Monday, June 7, 2010

Precious Paintings

Redbush and family realize that the older they get, the more weeds grow, and the more work their yard is. Thus, Redbush has not had a lot of blogging time, but, has been missing it. They are finally going camping for the best of a few weeks, so will be away from the computer for that time. One of Redbush's neighbors came over and looked at her artworks. Before she knew what she was saying, she sold a couple of her long-time favourites to her neighbour. She didn't have the heart to say that they weren't for sale. One of them have been in her diningroom for quite some time. She finds it relaxing to look at the deer and find herself in that place for a moment. The sunset picture takes her back to a time that they camped at that lake. She hopes you enjoy these paintings, too. She will be blogging again hopefully in a few weeks, or more. In the meantime enjoy your month of June!


the Bag Lady said...

Oh, those are lovely paintings! Lucky neighbour.

Have a good time camping.... we'll miss you.

Leah J. Utas said...


Hilary said...

Wow.. you sold paintings that you didn't intend to relinquish. Baggie, give them back! ;)

Enjoy your days.. we'll be here when you have more time. :)

David Cranmer said...

I could never ever never ever give away my art that's hanging in my house. I'd have to kill first and I certainly don't want to do that.

Those paintings looked terrific.

Redbush said...

Thanks so much, Bag Lady! They should have been kept, but, it just gives me more incentive now to paint more. We'll miss you too!

Leah, thanks! I know how much your writing means to you, and you're so excellent at it!

Hilary, you might know something I don't! Perhaps I can get them back if the Bag Lady nabbed them from the neighbour. Ha!

David, I'm not very good at saying no to people, but, I'll have to really think about it the next time! One should never relinquish their favourite things!

solarity said...

Unlike your neighbor, you can paint more. Enjoy the camping and come back ready to reach for a brush.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

Thanks, Solarity! I tend to take a lot of pictures while I'm gone, Summer gets me doing a lot of things on the acreage, so, I don't paint much until into fall.

Leah J. Utas said...

Stop by my blog when you have a moment. I've got an award for you.

Redbush said...

Thanks so much for the award, Leah! I'm humbled.