Monday, December 6, 2010

Who's The Slave?!

Redbush doesn't have an over amount of snow at this point in the winter season, and that makes her happy. The temperatures have been a bit cooler lately, but she knows they could be a lot colder. Even with the five or so inches that has fallen, Redbush still shovels so that she doesn't have so much to remove at one time. If she doesn't remove the snow, Beatle's feet collect every ice particle and are three feet wide when he comes in the house. Although Mr. Redbush would like to help, he has a problem with his lungs, so, Redbush knows that the shovelling has to be done by her. She has some 800 feet of dog trails to shovel, then has to clear the deck and walkways to the back door, and garage. Bonzi and Beatle are reaping the benefits of this frolicing and wrestling their way in front, or behind Redbush as she is shovelling. They tussle with their ball tripping up Redbush, begging her to throw it for them, making her job twice as long. Bonzi barks and tries to catch every shovelful of snow off the deck when Redbush throws it off. They don't build dog shovels, do they? Too bad all this wasted energy can't be harnessed. He! Redbush is sharing a few photos of her work and her lazy buddies. She hopes everyone is having a fantastic December!


David Cranmer said...

We both did snow posts today. And I think you have me beat with a few extra inches there.

Out on the prairie said...

You have a lot more than here. I see that you have a blower, I was afraid you shoveled all that by hand. I even make paths to get to my feeders and it distributes the chaff better.

Leah J. Utas said...

I'm sure the dogs appreciate it.

Redbush said...

Actually, David, I didn't have as much that I thought. We only have about 4-5 inches. That's enough for me!

Out On The Prairie, I did shovel all of it by hand. It gives me good time with my dogs plus the needed exercise, they say! The fresh air does me good, too. We do have a snowblower hooked to the tractor, but, we decided we would wait until we had more of a snowfall to use it.

Leah, the dogs really enjoy the snow! We can hardly get Beatle to come in when we think he should be.

Redbush said...

Actually, David, I didn't have as much that I thought. We only have about 4-5 inches. That's enough for me!

Out On The Prairie, I did shovel all of it by hand. It gives me good time with my dogs plus the needed exercise, they say! The fresh air does me good, too. We do have a snowblower hooked to the tractor, but, we decided we would wait until we had more of a snowfall to use it.

Leah, the dogs really enjoy the snow! We can hardly get Beatle to come in when we think he should be.

Hilary said...

Aww too cute. I remember Benny biting at the shovel and chasing every shovelful of snow.. trying to eat it and then spending the next two hours shivering and peeing. JRTs are nuts! Your photos are lovely.

Redbush said...

Thanks, Hilary! Beatle and Benny have similar attributes! It's Bonzi that loves to bite the shovelfuls of snow so much that I have to lock him up in the garage when I'm cleaning off the deck, or get his attention off in some way by getting him to fetch his ball.