Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Out Of His Element!

Bonze spent the last two months of 2009 (off and on) in the big city, in between travelling back home to check on their place again. Redbush's brother and sister-in-law spoiled him royally, letting him wander the house at will, and finding him occasionally curled up on one of the beds when he thought noone would notice, or catch him. This photo was taken at Christmas when their place had four dogs wandering in the house, and asking in and out their patio door to chase each other in the backyard and romp in the snow. Being as Bonzi really isn't a city boy, he is seen here out of his element posing with the others for a photo while they wait to let their feet dry off on the blue jean quilt I made Bonzi. He became quite good buds with all of them, but, especially the labradoodle.


the Bag Lady said...

Looks like a motley crew! Glad that he got to make some new friends.

Hilary said...

Awww just look at those cute faces. What a bunch.

Redbush said...

I couldn't believe what a crew they were! I expected that there would be some dominance factors, but, they didn't seem to care! The labradoodle couldn't understand when he decided that it was his time to rest.

Redbush said...

Yes, Hilary, Bonzi was outnumbered by the shitzus, and the labradoodle who seemed to already know each other. He was a real trouper when the others wanted to wrestle, and he didn't.