Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring Bugs

Redbush has caught a spring bug in the past few days, and hopes it subsides soon. She has just been bragging about how long it has been since she was ill. Now that the weather is up in its 20's, she feels like crap. It's Murphy's Law! She has developed a stomach flu with all the symptoms that go with it. She will leave you with another picture of flowers that she hoped would come up in her yard every spring. This crocus picture was taken a few springs ago. For some reason they haven't come up again since then. Redbush believes that some bug was eating their bulbs. She hopes this leaves everyone feeling happy and healthy. Happy weekend!


Jinksy said...

I expect the crocus bulbs were as tasty as the flowers look! Thanks for visiting napple notes today. :)

solarity said...

When my crocuses disappeared it was quite clear it was mice. Then there were the caladiums, which when I dug them up for the winter were stems with no corms left.... I'm tired of feeding the mice expensive treats.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

the Bag Lady said...

Sorry to hear you are sick - hope it's gone soon!

Love the crocus picture - sad about them disappearing. Mice, perhaps?

David Cranmer said...

Sharp looking picture.

And I hope you get over the bug soon.

Redbush said...

I kind of liked the feel to the photo, too, Jinksy. Although I didn't taste any, it might a new experience for the future! Thanks for stopping!

Redbush said...

I hear ya, Mary Anne! Some of my colleagues told me that it was pretty well fool proof to grow these, but, then they also told me that getting irises to bloom was just as easy! They were wrong! We have enough mice around here too. I haven't tried digging any up to see what the symtoms are.

Redbush said...

Once again, Bag Lady, I wish I had your green thumb, or at least my mom's. Mom could grow anything in a piece of solid gumbo! Too bad iI didn't inherit that trait. Thanks for stopping!

Redbush said...

Thanks, David! It's a good thing I took the picture when I did because the flowers don't last more than a few days.

David Cranmer said...

The sweetest things in life are so fleeting.

Redbush said...

Thanks, David! I could spend hours out in the wild just looking for new types of flowers. Wild flowers are so much more interesting than the ones I attempt to grow myself.