Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Weather-Water Watch Woes

Redbush apologizes once more for not being in the blogworld in the past few days!  She has been experiencing weather woes, and water woes.  She has had her bedding plants out now for some three weeks, or so, and it seems ever since then, she has been experiencing freezing temperatures.  To save her bedding plants, (some $500. worth) she has been getting up to water the plants around 3:00 a.m. (yawn,yawn)  Bonzi gives her the, "Are you nuts, or do you just have your times mixed up?  It's bedtime yet?'-look.  She has had to do this regularly for the past 7 days, and has managed to save most of her plants, but, have lost some of her cucumber, tomato, and marigold plants.  Damn weather!  Summer will be over before we know it!   Redbush and family have also been experiencing well water problems.  The company came to put in a pressure tank to see if that might save them from having to drill another well.  The tanks worked well until this morning.  Redbush just happened to be downstairs in the vicinity of where the tank is located when she thought she heard loud water rushing.  She ambled into the laundry room where the tank is located and saw water gushing everywhere from one of the connections which had burst!  The tank holds 180 gallons of water.  She raced out the basement garage door screaming Mr. Redbush's name. He came running from way out on the acreage as he was watering the garden, yelling at  her to turn off the well. Needless to say, Redbush had to do a lot of soaking up water with towels while Mr. Redbush ran out to get the sump pump to hook it up so that it would pump outside, not all over the downstairs rug.   A man from the water-well company came back to fix the connections, and am sure was happy that Redbush had caught it before 180 gallons  soaked the entire downstairs area!  She hopes that the saying, "Things happen in threes" is true because she lost her watch somewhere in town on Friday.  She knows where she lost it, but the manager won't be there until Wed. and it may be locked up in her office.  It will all depend on whether the janitor was honest enough to turn it in.  Redbush hasn't had much luck lately, so, isn't holding her breath.   She knew she should have gotten that clasp fixed!    She knows things could be worse, but, hopes this is the end of her bad luck!   She hopes you are all having better luck than she is.  Have a great day!


Leah J. Utas said...

It takes dedication to get up at 3 in the morning to water plants. It's sensible, of course, but still shows dedication.

Redbush said...

Thanks, Leah! I don't know if it's dedication, or just worrying. Dragging my sorry body around at that time of the day feels like you're doing it in your sleep. My shepherd pounces at me so that I will stomp my feet at him while he does his racing around the trees and yard thing. Hehe!

the Bag Lady said...

Oh my goodness! You certainly are having your troubles with water, aren't you?!

Hope everything is okay now with the pressure tank, and the well.

Done any baking in the oven lately?

Redbush said...

Welllll,Bag Lady here we go! We got a holding tank put in and are hoping beyond hope that the well will work now. I can't believe all the sh-t that's happened lately! No, I haven't baked a thing because the glass in my oven door shattered, and I haven't heard a thing about when they will replace it. Damn it!

Missicat said...

Hope things get better for you! Friday is almost here. We haven't had freezing weather here, but it's been rainy rainy rainy rainy. I am starting to mold. help!

Redbush said...

Thanks for stopping, Missicat! Things have already gotten better. The weather has been in the 20's the last few days up to the point of me getting a sunburn while gardening. My watch was found when I lifted one of my folded towels to use it, and it fell to the floor. The well is now working and we are crossing our fingers that we don't have to drill. It sounds like you may be floating soon from the sounds of your weather. Here's to a lot of sunshine for you, soon!