Monday, February 1, 2010

Fat Birds

Redbush feeds her birds striped sunflower seeds, and bird fat balls. The chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays, grosbeaks, and woodpeckers just love the fat balls. Her problem is that she has ravens, and magpies that come in and steal the fat balls when she or Mr. Redbush aren't around. Bonzi gives chase to the "Dirty Birdies," as they are known to him, when he sees them trying to steal them. When Rebush tried to put up a protective covering like a meshed onion sack, she found a chickadee caught up in it that perished, so she doesn't want to do that anymore. She wonders what kind of a cage she can devise so that her smaller birds can enjoy the balls, and that the large ones won't steal. She would like some suggestions from her intelligent, inventive, creative bloggers. She hopes everyone has a great week!


Hilary said...

I'm not sure that you can. Crows are incredibly intelligent. Why not just feed them too? ;)

the Bag Lady said...

I don't have any suggestions, either. Guess you'll just have to let the ravens and magpies enjoy the suet balls, too!

Redbush said...

Thanks, Hilary! I know how intelligent crows are. One of our staff members inherited one who was taught to talk. Some of the teenagers taught him some language that is not repeatable. It's amazing how smart they are. The ravens and magpies are just as smart. I guess we'll have to think of some different tactics seeing as we feed a lot of fat balls all winter long.

Redbush said...

Thanks, Bag Lady! I guess Bonzi will look after them any time he can, so, it will cut down on the fat ball budget. They don't seem to come around a lot until we aren't home. Smart birds, I guess!

Missicat said...

Wish I had a suggestion! Crows are crafty little buggers. You can borrow the kitties!

Redbush said...

Oh, Missicat! Great suggestion! Your kitties would have a hayday if they could differentiate between the nice and the dirty birdies.

Anonymous said...

I love the snowy picture. Praying for snow here.

Redbush said...

Thanks for stopping, Mary!
You can have some of our snow if you want! We have enough of it to go around for quite some time yet, until spring arrives!