Friday, March 6, 2009

Do You Carrot?

One of Redbush's regular grocery list items every week is carrots.  Usually Redbush buy's 3 five-pound bags of them for her family.  Now, you know all the pluses about carrots, like, beta-carotene, good for the eyesight, and probably full of vitamin c and d.  Redbush and her hubby enjoy carrots raw, cooked, in stir-fry and in stews.  But the main reason that Redbush  buys so many is that her buddies Bonzi and Bonzerelli enjoy them too.  Each morning and most evenings, Bonzi and Bonzerelli have a carrot connection.  It is usually initiated by Bonzi touching either Redbush or her hubby with his nose to make them realize that they have forgotten something.  So, Redbush knows that at this time we have a twenty minute span of carrot competition.  I believe that it's a time for Bonzi and his buddy Bonzerelli to bond.  It does Redbush' heart good to watch them crunch away in unison.  Redbush usually knows when Bonzi doesn't want anymore when he drops his on the floor and Bonzerelli immediately picks it up, not to be wasted.  Oh, by the way, neither one of them will eat them unless they are peeled and cut lengthwise for their appetites to enjoy.  Redbush is going to attempt to load a video of the two of them crunching carrots.


the Bag Lady said...

Gotta love those carrots! And, obviously, your dogs do!

Your randomly selected letter is G - have fun with it!

solarity said...

Drat! Yesterday there was no video, and today there's still no video. If it were there I'd be willing to devote fifteen or twenty minutes to the download so I could watch dogs vs. carrots.

(Mine were never crazy about carrots. They ate the scraps of carrot, but what they were crazy about was bell pepper. Stony whines from the moment it comes out of the refrigerator until it goes back in, no matter how much he gets.)

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

Yes, I should eat more raw ones rather than in stir-fries! My dogs pose much better when the cameras aren't on them. Thanks for the letter! G- of course! I'm sure I can think of favourite G things! GRRRRREAT idea!

Redbush said...

Oh, I forgot to address that I was speaking to you, Bag Lady!

Redbush said...

I'm sorry, Solarity! Maybe it's something to do with how my computer downloads things that the video won't show up! Did you get the vaccuming one? Bell peppers?! I can just about guarantee that mine wouldn't like them. I used to tell the first dog that we got that if he ate some celery, he could have his favourite treat. I kept brain-washing him until he finally ate a small piece of it. He hated celery!

solarity said...

I could see the vacuuming one, and it was well worth the time to download it.

All my dogs have loved vegetables and fruit. There may be some they don't like but if so I must not eat those. They always have to do something--Sit, Spin, Down, Pass Through, something--to get a piece, and the last two both loved apples so much that they couldn't pay attention to the command. I'd say Sit, and you could see their minds going Appleappleappleapple and missing what I'd said.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

Solarity, it sounds like your dogs are real characters! I'm glad you got the vacuuming video, and don't know what happened that the carrot one wouldn't load for you. I'm going to attempt to load a second carrot one sometime in the future to see if you can load it. Have a happy day!

Hilary said...

Your dogs are beauties. Benny loves carrots too. I never realized that dogs loved them so much. Watermelon is also popular with the dogs on our street in summer.