Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Feeling Yukky!

Along with the great signs of spring, Redbush knows that the flu bugs are in the air.  The last few days, she has felt the brunt of them.  Although she has always taken her vitamins morning and night, she hasn't been able to fend off the common cold, and feeling achy all over.  She always takes extra vitamin c when she feels a cold coming on, but, this time she caught it anyway.  She hasn't been feeling this way for too long to remember.  She is hoping that it will only last a few days so she has enough energy to do something productive.  She enjoyed watching the geese coming back to her area, the warm sun beating down and hopes that these are  some of the spring  signs that are here to stay.  She hopes everyone is having great weather where they are at with no flu bugs latching on to them.


Missicat said...

Hope you feel better! Get some REST!!! Stay in bed, watch bad movies and read books.
Signed, Dr. Missicat

the Bag Lady said...

Oh no - hope your cold doesn't last long! Double up on the Vit. C and take some echinacea!
And listen to Dr. Missicat!!

Hilary said...

Garlic and C is the combo that we use to ward off viruses around our place. Hope you're feeling much better soon.

solarity said...

Get well before the weather gets warm! Rest while you can.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

Thanks for the advice, Missicat! I'm finding it hard as I haven't been sick since I know when, and hope this is the last for a long time!

Redbush said...

Thanks, Bag Lady! Usually when I feel a cold coming on, Vit C does it for me! I'll just have to take it in bigger doses when I'm feeling on the verge!

Redbush said...

Thanks, Hillary! I've heard a lot about garlic, and know that it's a good thing to try. I love cooking with it, but, I guess it's not the same as taking the actual vitamin. I'll have to try the combo!

Redbush said...

Thanks for the note, Solarity! I'm usually not under the weather for any more than two days. Here's hoping that this doesn't make me a liar! I'm not used to feeling this way very often! Maybe I've been hoping for spring too long, and now, I'm paying for it!