Thursday, April 23, 2009

Global Warming- Not Today!

The birds in Redbush's world must wonder why they migrated back so soon!  It's gone from +21 degrees in the last few days to -1 yesterday, and +3 today.  The sun is shining, though, so maybe the birds have some hope.  Redbush really wanted to do some cleaning up of her many flower beds, and pots, but, will have to wait until it warms up a bit.  She will have to resort to doing her dreaded house cleaning instead.  Jeeeesh!  She has noticed a lot of juncos on her feeders this a.m., so, they must enjoy the weather, or are just hardy birds.  She will share a few pictures of what it looked like yesterday evening in her yard.  She hopes you have an enjoyable sunny, warm, toasty day with flowers blooming your area!   


solarity said...

I've got the warmth and the flowers: it got up to 71F today, and it's going to be warmer tomorrow. So what am I doing tonight? Sitting beside a fire in the living room stove with a nice warm laptop on my lap.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

I can feel the warmth, Solarity! But, right now it's miserable here, and cold! I envy you! You've got everything that spring is about, flowers, and the sun! Have a great day, and think about me when you're basking in the sun, and I'm not!

solarity said...

I'm trying to encourage the warmth up your way. There's a very strong chance that I will wear shorts today!

Mary Anne in Kentucky

solarity said...

I'm trying to encourage the warmth up your way. There's a very strong chance that I will wear shorts today!

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

We are still in our parkas, and the wind is cold, and rips right through you. Yes, warm weather! Send it my way! I would never object to warmth and more sunshine. Thanks, Solarity! Maybe we could do a little sundance!

the Bag Lady said...

I could have sworn I commented on this post yesterday! Sheesh - must have been my imagination.
It's snowy and miserable here AGAIN this morning! When is spring coming?

Redbush said...

You have my exact sentiments, Bag Lady! A birdy told me that this is going to continue until the end of May because the almanac said so! OMG, I hope it's wrong! I'll reaaaaally be getting cabin fever by then! Bring on spring for sure!!!!!

Hilary said...

Please don't take it personally but.. oh yuck!

Redbush said...

You got that right, Hilary! Double yuck! In some of your photos, I'm envious, and wish that we had some warmer weather right now! My tulips, and lillies are peaking through the ground, so I hope they don't freeze! My rant has been for quite some time now, "Bring on spring!"