Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Perspective

Creating artworks is a little like viewing people and their personalities.  Redbush has been around many different people of whom are not necessarily alike, just as her artworks have different mediums, and perspectives.  She chooses to draw on certain aspects of a photograph to create what details she feels are pleasing to her and leave out those that are not, just as she can choose to welcome people who make her feel good about herself. and ignore those who don't.  If a photograph is almost without color, she can choose to decide on what colors she feels would bring out the details  in her artwork, to show a different perspective of the photo. Just as with certain people who may want to fade into the background, she finds certain attributes in them that are  special.  She is constantly  searching her photos to find a new perspective of how she can portray the colors, light, ruggedness, calmness, and reflections to give her artworks personality.  Redbush is still fighting the flu and chest cold, but, is sure that it will be gone soon. The following is a photograph and a painting of a special place on the lease that she  and her family visits often.  She hopes this finds you healthy and happy, and that you have a Happy Easter!   Do you have a perspective on life?  What is your perspective?


the Bag Lady said...

Love what you did with the picture! Wish I had your talent. Sigh.
Hope you feel better soon, and can enjoy your Easter!

Redbush said...

Thanks, Bag Lady! You are soooo talented in so many ways that I am not! I'm starting to feel the flu breaking, so I hope it flies away, soon. Hope you have a great Easter and that the Easter bunny is good to you. Keep the bunny away from Princess, though. Ha!

Susan English Mason said...

Wow - I love the second one. I came from Hilary's blog where she created a CD cover for you. It's amazing. I hope you feel better soon.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Love the way the perspective shifts from photo to painting; both so pretty!

And yes, hope you feel better soon and have a great rest-of-Easter!

Redbush said...

Thanks for stopping, Pouty! I'm attracted a lot to scenes with rugged trees, but, love reflections as well. so, tend to try different perspectives of those. Winter tends to be the best time for me to peruse my photos, and decide what perspective I will choose to create. I'm beginning to feel the cough loosen up, so definitely will start using my arm rather than my hands when I feel a sneeze coming on! Maybe the germs will stay with me! Ha!

Redbush said...

Great to hear your perspective, Crabby! I go through my photos so often and spend hours just looking at them that sometimes I think my hubby wonders if I have nothing better to do. Ha! Yes, my cold is getting better, but, after last night, I'm wondering if it's not all the snow mold from the spring thaw as well. Runny nose, and stuffed up sinuses, but, I feel at least 80% this a.m.

Leah J. Utas said...

I really enjoyed seeing the landscape through your eyes.