Monday, May 25, 2009

Washtubs With Memories

Redbush has finally been able to plant her bedding plants which have been carried in and out of the garage for the past two weeks.  It has now become warm enough to plant them even though the ground is still cool.  The weather has been scaring Redbush since she put them out because the temperatures have been at 0 degrees for the past three mornings.  This a.m. at 4:30,  Redbush looked at the thermometer and panicked because it was at 0 degrees, so she went out and watered all her plants that she planted.   Not a creature was stirring, but, Bonzi! The washtubs that she has posted pictures of are tubs that she used to bathe in when she was a child.   Oh, drat, she is dating herself!  She remembers bathing, then when done, huddling around the wood stove to keep warm, and  dry off with towels.   Now she has put the tubs  to another use, but, the memories linger.   She hopes you have a wonderful sunny Monday!


the Bag Lady said...

LOVE the new use you have put the washtubs to! We had one of those when I was a kid, too.... but it disappeared along the way.

Redbush said...

Thanks, Bag Lady! When I saw them on the farm, I knew just what I would do with them. I'm glad I didn't decide to walk past them all full of rotten cans, and just let them lie!

Hilary said...

What a great idea. May your plants thrive along with your memories. :)

Leah J. Utas said...

Oh, I remember washtubs, too. Good use of them.

Redbush said...

Thanks, Hilary! Another cool night tonight, so, I really hope my plants survive! Yes, I have a lot of nostalgia from the farm where I grew up.

Redbush said...

There are too many things that I remember, too, Leah. Hopefully all my plants will survive. Another cool one tonight. Thanks for stopping!

Crabby McSlacker said...

Wow, it sure looks a lot prettier as a planter than a "regular" bathtub would!

However, i have to say I'm grateful for modern technology and hot water piped directly to my shower head.

Redbush said...

I'm glad about modern technology as well, Crabby! When we've been camping, because of spending time out in the wilderness, we don't use the shower in our trailer so that we can save on water. We usually camp near the creek, and regularly I do my morning bathe-dip in the creek. I'm telling you, it freezes a little more than my buns, and the dips are quick!