Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You're Fired!

Redbush hasn't been blogging too much lately as she has spent the last week weeding and preparing the gardens for planting, then complaining about her aching body after.  Yesterday, Redbush and Mr. Redbush spent the day digging up wicked weeds in the garden, namely quack grass.  If you don't have this weed, consider yourself lucky.  They have roots some 2 feet long and longer!  As you dig, if you break any of the root off, or, even if you leave some of the root hairs, these weeds relish, and celebrate as they produce thousands of more plants.  Redbush knows if you don't dig them up, that the rotivator will only spread the damage across the planting area.  As Redbush and Mr. Redbush dug and pulled these dreaded plants, they wished that they could harness some of Bonzi's energy, changing it from squirrel chasing, and snooping for varmints to weed-digging!  After his prolific squirrel-chasing episodes, he leads a life of relaxation, so, Redbush fired him!  But, she knows that his come-back would be, " Well you've banned me from the garden, don't you remember, the last time I made crazy round and around trips in the fresh dirt, racing a hundred miles an hour."  With the change in today's temperatures, he is now lounging on the mat in the house, resting from yesterday's activities.  Ah,  the life of riley!  Redbush is wishing she had some of his agile muscles as she feels her aching back today!  She has posted some pictures of Bonzi yesterday, and the change in weather today from yesterday's +20 temperatures to -0 degees today.  Oh, she's so glad she didn't buy any bedding plants yet!  She hopes you are all basking in the sun in your world!


Missicat said...

What a pretty pup! It's actually been pretty nice here in the D.C. area lately - very mild and sunny. Great for napping in the sun, as my kitties do quite often!

solarity said...

(Bonzi, you adorable silly dog, you!)

It's almost warm enough for the tender plants like tomatoes and peppers. My grandmother never ever put out tomatoes before the 15th of May. There you are, three zones north of me, so I suppose you'll have to wait a while.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Redbush said...

Thanks, Missicat! He thinks he's pretty important, too. However, today, he's becoming a woosey, and unless we're outside he isn't. He's lonely without the company!

Redbush said...

Solarity, I've been dying to put out plants especially seeing as everytime I'm in town lately, I'm inundated with people buying plants. After the cool day we had today, I'm thinking that I'm glad we waited at least until next week. Then I'll plant my garden and we'll go from there. I envy your lovely climate!

Crabby McSlacker said...

What a handsome specimen your dog is!

And I wish I could borrow you to do battle against our wicked weeds! Though yours sound particularly horrific.

Redbush said...

Thanks, Crabby! He's a pretty nice boy with a great temperament as you can tell by his relaxation physique! As far as borrowing me for your weeds, I'm sure I wouldn't be moving up to pace today! I'm still a little bent over from all that digging and pulling. The other weed that drives me nuts and shows up soon is chickweed. Then I start all over again. Ugh!

the Bag Lady said...

Oh, weeds. I need to tackle mine too, as soon as it warms up again! Dratted things.

Maybe I can put my houseguest to work on them. Yeah, right. *snort*

Redbush said...

I really had no choice, Bag Lady! The weeds would have spread so badlly if they were cultivated! Yes, that house guest needs something to do, I can guess! I hope you can cultlivate his expecting you to do it all! How lucky he is to be in your house! Can I be your guest too?! Hehe!

Redbush said...

I really had no choice, Bag Lady! The weeds would have spread so badlly if they were cultivated! Yes, that house guest needs something to do, I can guess! I hope you can cultlivate his expecting you to do it all! How lucky he is to be in your house! Can I be your guest too?! Hehe!