Today was the dreaded house-cleaning day around Redbush's house. There should be some invention, as there are so many technical inventions these days, in which you could just push a button and all the dust bunnies, toilet cleaning etc would be automatically looked after. Barring that, Redbush got through it, and Mr. Redbush helped with the vacuuming while Bonzi and lay on the mat and Bonzerelli lay in his dogbed fast asleep. Bonzi has now learned that when he hears the vacuum cleaner, that if he scratches on the door he will get vacuumed too. It is quite hilarious because he doesn't want Redbush to stop once she starts. Redbush has decided that it is better to get rid of those dust bunnies, or mites after seeing them magnified on one of the Science channels. Yuk! Redbush doesn't get to the vacuuming under her bed
that often, so can just imagine the magnification! It's been quite cool here today, although we had lots of sun. I hope you had a warm sunny day in your part of the world. The following is a picture of Bonzi and Bonzerelli relaxing. 
I hate cleaning and will put it off as long as I can. It's an endurance test with me.
And a pic or video of Bonzi being vacuumed would be hilarious.
You got it, LJ! It has definitely entered my mind about the video! I'm going to attempt it in my up-and-coming next blogs. I'm still very inexperienced with that end of it. I agree with you about the cleaning. It's like, which part do I hate the most, vacuuming or cleaning the bathrooms?!
Yes - would love to see Bonzi being vacuumed!! He's such a lovable goof. And the thought of those dust mites magnified makes me shudder!!
Have a great weekend!
Your dogs are beautiful, and your paintings incredible. If you're stuck for something to say, post pictures of the dogs and your paintings. A picture is worth a thousand words ...
Thanks, Rikk, for visiting! My dogs,as you can tell, mean a lot to me! They actually run my house, my yard, and me! Thanks for the compliment! I only wish my doors were getting torn of by people wanting to buy my work! Ha!
Thanks BagLady! He loves being vacuumed so much! I just thought I would try him with it when he followed the vacuum with his nose when I was vacuuming the mat. He was in heaven!
Cute pups!!! I too would love a pic of them being vaccuumed.. :-)
My kitties fly out of the room when the horrible noisy machine starts up. Which, to be honest, isn't often enough...
Thanks, Missicat for stopping by! I had animals in the past that would hide in the smallest corner if the vaccum cleaner was on. The fox terrier does that. Maybe it had something to do with me holding him when he was 9 weeks old, and walking around with it on. He may have thought that I was going to let the monster suck him up! Now, he doesn't hear well, so, I'm sure he thinks it isn't on, so, I can get close to him with it, but, I wouldn't dare try it on him! Yes, I will definitely try the video thing in a few blogs from now and see if I can do my first!
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