Redbush is off to obedience classes with her shepherd tonight to do more practising for the up- and- coming competion in the spring. He starts to bounce around and do some whining when she asks him if he wants to go to practice? Bonzi knows his stuff, but, when it comes to being there with other dogs, he is four years old, so tends to have a mind of his own at times. At certain times, we get the teenage attitude which says, " If you want the dumbbell so badly, why don't you take it and hold it yourself." Bonzi has had a problem with sniffing once he is in the ring, so, as he is heeling at practice, he is finding that he doesn't particularly like to have his nose pushed into the floor as Redbush and he are moving. He's saying, " Alright, I like to sniff, but, not that badly!" Then on his long sits, he practically, without toppling over, just about touches the dog beside him on its long sit. Redbush is really working on the "Watch me," routine. But, he is smart, and knows if his mistress is a ways away from him that he just might be able to stretch his nose out on his tippy-toes without Redbush being able to be close enough to correct him. Hopefully they'll get where he doesn't care about the other dogs. He is actually pretty good, Redbush just has to show more enthusiasm. He loves it when she says "Whoohoo" when he completes an excercise correctly. The thing is, who's obedience class is it? Will I pass? So, Redbush hopes that this blog hasn't bored you too much. What's going on in your part of the world?

Great photos of the pooches! How did Bonzi do at obedience last night?
Thanks BL! He didn't do too badly, but, was more interested in what others were doing. Thus, he didn't always sit when he came to me. I can't understand because I had elk liver. Now, who wouldn't want to do sits and heels for elk liver? Ha! Have a great night!
Hello Redbush,
Love the pooch pics. Does Bonzi pose so endearingly for the camera all the time?
Thanks Leah! Actually, it's Murphy's Law, when I want a picture, he's usually looking off to the side, or behind him, anything but looking right at you. It's when I don't have the camera quite pointed when both Bonzi and Bonzerelli decide to pose.
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