Monday, February 9, 2009

Salt-Lick Pick-up Style

Saturday night around 9:00 Mr. Redbush happened to look out the front window and noticed a huge dark figure between Redbush's pick-up and his.  He concluded that it was a  young bull moose.  Not wanting to startle him, because of the closeness of the pick-ups, Mr. Redbush waited until the moose moved to the other side of his pick-up.  It was lucky that both of Redbush's dogs were in the house, because a bark may have caused possible bends in one, or both pick-ups.  In the meantime, Redbush was fumbling around trying to get her digital camera out of its case, but it was too late.  Mr. Redbush opened the front door and yelled, "Yeaaaaaah," then gave a grunting moose call, and the bull trotted North to their favorite neighbor's.  When Mr. Redbush went out to check the pick-ups with a flashlight, he could see lick marks all over Redbush's dirty, salt-covered silver pick-up. 
The next morning, it was very evident when they checked Redbush's pick-up that he either wanted to wash it, or use it as a salt-lick!  There were very few patches on Redbush's pick-up that hadn't been licked.  Mr. Redbush's pick-up, which hadn't been out on the salted and calcium-covered roads, hadn't been touched by the moose.  Redbush and Mr. Redbush then proceeded to throw snow on Redbush's pick-up to try to get rid of the salt and the lick marks.  
The Redbush family thought that they had gotten rid of Mr. Moosekin's, but realized on Sunday night around about the same that he had come back to his salt-lick, only to find that most of the salt had been taken off.  He was then checking out Mr. Redbush's pick-up when he opened the front door and did his yell to scare him away.  Redbush and Mr. Redbush are worried that he will now start using both as a scratching post seeing as he hasn't gotten rid of his antlers yet, and there is no more salt on either pick-up.  They are considering setting up a salt-block near their favorite neighbor's.  Hey Bag Lady, maybe the moose was checking out the rancher's pick-up for the same reasons!  The mild weather has been nice, but certainly is bringing all kinds of animals to visit the Redbush house.    


the Bag Lady said...

Yup, I'm sure that was what attracted those moose to the Rancher's truck, too. They had been licking it.

Shall I bring a salt block over next time I'm in the neighbourhood?


Redbush said...

Absolutely, BL! I'm sure Mr. Moosekins would enjoy it. But, do we want to keep encouraging him? Notttttt!
I think he can find salt-licks elsewhere!