Redbush is ecstatic that the Bag Lady just happened to pick her favourite letter! She is now going to attempt to narrow down 10 things that she likes that begin with the letter"G." It just so happens that she can think of quite a few, but she will try to draw out the top 10. So here are Redbush's 10 favorite things that begin with the letter "G."
1. Green trees are Redbush's favorite plants, not just because they indicate summer, but, because she uses them a lot for references in her artworks. She likes anything green, of course, except cheese and meat!
2. Gardening is Redbush's favorite spring and summer
activity especially flower gardening.
3. Geraniums, gentians, and gladioli are some of the flowers that she grows.
4. Grosbeaks, evening and pine, are at the top of the list of her
favorite birds that visit her feeder winter and summer. Redbush loves to drink her coffee in the morning watching them on the deck.
5. Garlic, ginger are spices that she uses a lot and she enjoys anything grilled, especially steak.
6. Golfing is an activity that Redbush enjoys in the summer, even though she isn't good at it.
7. Gold comes to mind, and although she doesn't have any, a little would be nice, maybe one, or two bricks.
8. Golden eagle, is a gorgeous bird that flew up in front of
Redbush when visiting one of her mom's estate properties on the river bank.
9. Generosity is an attribute that Redbush admires in her close friends.
10. Gouda is one of her favorite cheeses.