Sunday, May 22, 2011


Redbush has been busy in the last month working in her yard, preparing for art shows, and just basically being lazy, but, waiting for spring to arrive.  Along with spring, she finds, the weeds never disappear, but, only multiply, so, it's an ongoing job trying to rid her gardens of them.  She should learn not to have so many gardens!  Mr. Redbush wishes this as well.    Her family have been planting the garden, and getting her flower beds ready for bedding plants.  In the meantime, she has also been working on small paintings for an art show that her club had at the local cultural centre.  She has also been taking Beatle to classes at the dog kennel in town.  He is finding it much more interesting to be there because of all the other dogs, however, he likes it, probably maily because of his home made liver treats.  Redbush hasn't been taking Bonzi as he is finding it pretty difficult because of all his medications that he is on.  He still likes to practise in the yard, and get liver treats too.  Redbush will share a few photos of her artworks, and hopes that you are all having a great spring!


solarity said...

Lucky Beatle, to have a social life and liver treats too!

I especially like the second painting, with the trees leaning into the center. I'm not sure why that appeals to me so. (I know what appeals to me about the holly leaves: the texture. Love texture.) Glad to see the garden hasn't pushed the painting entirely to one side.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Yes, spring is work, but it's good work.

I'm glad Beatle is enjoying himself at school.
Thanks for posting your paintings.

the Bag Lady said...

Love your paintings, and I agree with Mary Anne - the second one appeals to me.

I'm glad Beatle enjoys school!

Redbush said...

Thanks, Mary Anne! I seem to put off today what I can do tomorrow, then, all the painting happens at once, almost. This is the earliest for a long time, that we have put the garden in. We hauled water, and, wouldn't you know it, it has been pouring since. The garden loves it!

I like spring work, too, Leah. I should learn to downsize, but, I just can't. Thanks for stopping!

Thanks, Bag Lady! I must learn to start my paintings much earlier, but, then, I think I work best when the time is nigh!