Redbush has decided in the past few years to cut back on the amount that she planted in her garden, but, somehow, it just doesn't happen. She and Mr. Redbush have been harvesting, canning and creating dishes with what their garden has produced. In tomatoes alone they have harvested more that 100 pounds! She hasn't tackled doing anything with them yet, but, it should make enough spaghetti sauce for the year!

Redbush is wishing you all a wonderful warm Indian summer!
Those look wonderful. It'll be worth it.
Could I have some rain with that, too?
In that last picture, the stove definitely looks tired! : )
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Impressive looking garden. We had some tomatoes this year but nothing close to 100 pounds. Incredible!
That's some bounty! But isn't it wonderful to have all that homegrown goodness in the winter?
Leah, tomatoes are our favorite vegetable, so, having grown them ourselves makes it all worthwhile.
We've had a bit of moisture when it wasn't needed, Solarity. I take it you need some rain, so, I'll do my little rain dance for you. Speaking of the stove, what would we do without one? I could do without the clean-up afterwards. Ha!
Thanks, David! We usually use fertilizer, but, this year we stayed away from it, and seemed to get the same results without using all those chemicals.
Good to hear from you, Bag Lady! You have a lot of bounty in your garden produce, I'll bet. I agree that there is nothing like raising the veggies yourself, so, the work is worth it.
Oh that looks terrific. So nice for you to be able to enjoy your efforts through the upcoming season.
Thanks, Hilary! Our garden doesn't always produce like this, but, we hauled loads of new dirt in this year, so, we had lots of produce as a result of it. The veggies do taste a lot better than the store-bought ones!
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