Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Wishes

Redbush and family are experiencing the best winter weather they have had since they can remember.  The weather has been above normal temps for at least over a month.  They don't have much snow, either, so that's a bonus.  Her new family arrival Fonzi can enjoy himself in this fine weather without freezing his little mitts off.   The birds in Redbush's yard are enjoying their feast of sunflower seeds, and bird fat balls, or suet as some people call it.  The holidays have let Redbush eat herself into oblivion, but, she has no New Year resolutions because she finds that she never follows through with them anyway, so, why set herself up for failure again?  She is hoping that the weather lasts a lot longer to make winter that much shorter.      No, she doesn't miss having a lot of snow, either.  Her wish for all of you is to have a happy and healthy 2012.


Leah J. Utas said...

All the best of 2012 to you and all the Redbush clan.

solarity said...

Happy and healthy sounds almost achievable. Can we have world peace with that? A good 2012 for us all.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Out on the prairie said...

I'm wearing jackets I rarely wore in early sping .Have a Happy New Year!

Redbush said...

Thanks, Leah! The same to you and your family.

Wouldn't world peace be the best, Solarity. We know, however, that that would be too easy. All the best to you in 2012.
Out on the prairie, it sounds like you have had a great winter, too. Have a happy 2012, too!

the Bag Lady said...

Happy New Year, Redbush and family! Here's hoping 2012 is a fabulous year for everyone.

Redbush said...

Thanks, Bag Lady! Without the large amount of snowfall, it seems like winter has shortened up already! Have a great year!

Hilary said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Redbush.

Geosomin said...

It's been oddly warm here too. Today is +5C...normally it is about -20 right now. It's lovely.

Happy new year!

Redbush said...

Thanks, Hilary! Happy 2012 to you too! Here's to great weather, health and happiness!

Thanks for stopping, Geosomin! I love the temperatures we're having! The wind is terrible each day, but, I can live with it. It's +3 here right now. What a bonus to be just a little closer to spring!